Sometimes the things we want most are juuuust out of our reach, and we have to admit retreat for the time being. Yes, I said retreat and not defeat. I'm talking about the thorn in my side that is our lovely living room couches. Everyone knows my frustration with them and their feather-down filled insides. Last spring I gained a minor victory when I plumped up their dilapidated cushions with fiber fill, and chose to go with a Pottery Barn-inspired look and cover them using drop cloths as loose fit slip covers.

And that really did give them a fresh new look. They only downside to those loose fit slipcovers? Well, they were plenty loose.

Jason and I hashed out the pros and cons of taking the plunge and buying new couches. One of the big pros included not spending any more money on make-shift solutions. But one of the big cons (of course) was shelling out $700+ on new furniture when we really didn't need to/can't really afford to right now. It's not like the couches are falling apart, much to my dismay. These things are over 10 years old. So we decided to do one last make-shift solution, and this time we would do it right.
I gathered up a couple of my BB&B coupons and hit one of my most favorite stores. I was bummed I was on such a rushed schedule because one of my favorite things about BB&B is how many ways you can get lost in that store (and the smell! does your BB&B always smell wonderful too?) No matter, I was on a deadline. After checking out their newest placemats, I hot footed my way over to the throws/pillows/slip cover section. Side note: BB&B, still charging full price for Christmas pillows at the end of January? Not. Cool. Anyhoo, I purchased two of Sure Fit's Cotton Duck Natural slipcovers, saved 20% with my coupons (bringing the total to just over $100 after tax) and went home to try my hand at recovering the couches for what will hopefully be the last time.

(forgive the wrinkles. my tobi steamer was not being cooperative.)

(i went with square knots to keep them looking slightly more modern, versus a big bow which i felt would look a little too retro, and not in a good way.)
I should have washed them before showing them off to the blog-world, but I really was too anxious! I was so tickled at how easy it was to get them on. Last year I tried out some of Sure Fit's stretch slip covers, and it ended it a fit of tears, a tantrum, and a refund. It. Was. Bad. Once I wash them (the packaging recommends putting them back on while they're still a little damp) I'll take another picture to see if it made a difference.
So, this is it. These are the couches until they're replaced. I'm happy with how much easier it is to keep them looking clean, but believe me when I say that I can't wait to get a permanent solution going on in here.
Other details: large blue pillows from Pottery Barn, on clearance for $10; little yellow pillow from Tuesday Morning, $8; blue ticking stripe table runner DIY'd from an old sheet.

And that really did give them a fresh new look. They only downside to those loose fit slipcovers? Well, they were plenty loose.

Jason and I hashed out the pros and cons of taking the plunge and buying new couches. One of the big pros included not spending any more money on make-shift solutions. But one of the big cons (of course) was shelling out $700+ on new furniture when we really didn't need to/can't really afford to right now. It's not like the couches are falling apart, much to my dismay. These things are over 10 years old. So we decided to do one last make-shift solution, and this time we would do it right.
I gathered up a couple of my BB&B coupons and hit one of my most favorite stores. I was bummed I was on such a rushed schedule because one of my favorite things about BB&B is how many ways you can get lost in that store (and the smell! does your BB&B always smell wonderful too?) No matter, I was on a deadline. After checking out their newest placemats, I hot footed my way over to the throws/pillows/slip cover section. Side note: BB&B, still charging full price for Christmas pillows at the end of January? Not. Cool. Anyhoo, I purchased two of Sure Fit's Cotton Duck Natural slipcovers, saved 20% with my coupons (bringing the total to just over $100 after tax) and went home to try my hand at recovering the couches for what will hopefully be the last time.

(forgive the wrinkles. my tobi steamer was not being cooperative.)

(i went with square knots to keep them looking slightly more modern, versus a big bow which i felt would look a little too retro, and not in a good way.)
I should have washed them before showing them off to the blog-world, but I really was too anxious! I was so tickled at how easy it was to get them on. Last year I tried out some of Sure Fit's stretch slip covers, and it ended it a fit of tears, a tantrum, and a refund. It. Was. Bad. Once I wash them (the packaging recommends putting them back on while they're still a little damp) I'll take another picture to see if it made a difference.
So, this is it. These are the couches until they're replaced. I'm happy with how much easier it is to keep them looking clean, but believe me when I say that I can't wait to get a permanent solution going on in here.
Other details: large blue pillows from Pottery Barn, on clearance for $10; little yellow pillow from Tuesday Morning, $8; blue ticking stripe table runner DIY'd from an old sheet.
I lucked into the perfect cover for my busted down couch at a thrift store. But, of course, I only needed one! I love the new look and I bet once you wash them, the wrinkles will disappear.